I can’t believe that only 6 short months ago I was using iPhoto to manage and edit all of my photos. Since then, I’ve switched to Lightroom and don’t think I can ever go back. Lightroom makes it so easy to get incredible results in a very short period of time. I’m amazed at how a seemingly boring photo can be salvaged and become a work of art. Take this photo I took while walking around north of Lake Phalen in Saint Paul. It was a dreary, cold day and I was walking back to my car and liked how the Gateway Trail bridge was framing the one behind it (Frost Ave.). I thought it might make a good grayscale photo when I got it back on my computer. The before is pretty drab, eh? I think if I had opened this photo in iPhoto, I would have passed it up. But in Lightroom you can quickly hover over certain presets and immediately see a preview of what the image would look like with that preset applied. I did just that with some of the black and white presets I had installed and really liked this one. A little bump in […]